Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
"Not Me!" Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
The other day at work I didn't go to file a registration card in the bucket only to find that it wasn't in the drawer and wonder, "Where the heck is that thing?" when it was sitting on the counter right in front of me. I hadn't been checking all the reg cards just before checking that guest in, either.
Sunday night at Denny's with Vicky (my co-worker) I did not start digging around in the pocket of my jeans for my cell phone to check the time before he pointed out the fact that it was lying on the table right in front of me. I certainly didn't do it twice. And to answer any questions before they come up, yes, Vicky is a boy, and no, that is not his real name.
I didn't send Erica a text message last night asking her to "please send me a duck for my farm on Facebook" because it was bugging the crap out of me that I had three cows, three sheep, three apple trees, three peach trees, three cherry trees, and three rows of each of my crops, but only one duck. I am not the least bit obsessive about numbers, nor am I so dedicated to my virtual farm that I want everything to match. Not me.
And this morning on my way to work I did not purposefully try to embarass my dad by dancing around like a fool in the car to "I'm in H-Town, trick" by LMFAO (it's a remix of "I'm in Miami, trick"). And I certainly didn't end up embarassing myself more than him because a really cute guy in the car next to us did not catch me gettin' jiggy with it and grin at me.
I did not just give myself a massive paper cut =(